1. Introduction
● DHA, often referred to as "brain gold," stands as a crucial polyunsaturated fatty acid within the Omega-3 family, playing a pivotal role in human physiology. It holds significant importance in nurturing and sustaining nervous system cells, constituting a substantial portion of both the brain and retinal tissues. With approximately 20% presence in the human cerebral cortex and a remarkable 50% in the retinal structure, DHA emerges as indispensable for infantile cognitive and visual development. Extracted from marine microalgae, DHA Algae Oil offers a safer alternative, bypassing the typical food chain and boasting minimal EPA content.
● Borage oil, derived from the seeds of the borage plant through pressing or low-temperature extraction, presents a rich source of Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), an Omega-6 constituent renowned for enhancing female hormonal equilibrium. It serves as a natural remedy for alleviating menstrual and menopausal discomforts, aiding women across various age groups, including adolescents and seniors, in regulating hormonal cycles.

2. Target Audience
● DHA emerges as a pivotal component in fostering human brain development and growth, making Algae oil DHA particularly suitable for pregnant women and infants. Its stability and safety render it advantageous for early maternal supplementation, significantly impacting fetal brain and retinal development. During pregnancy, heightened consumption of alpha-linolenic acid-rich foods enhances DHA synthesis within the maternal bloodstream, subsequently facilitating its transfer to the fetus's brain and retina, thus augmenting neural cell maturation. Seaweed oil-derived DHA stands as the optimal choice for infants and children, effectively fostering retinal and cerebral development.
● Borage oil finds its niche among individuals grappling with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, premenstrual syndrome, menopausal symptoms, rheumatism, arthritis, allergies, and dermatological concerns in adulthood.

3. Benefits
●Borage oil has the following main pharmacological effects and physiological functions on the human body:
(1) Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. GLA can lower blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and triacylglycerol levels.
(2) Prevent and treat diabetes.
(3) Prevention and treatment of cancer. Borage oil has cancer-treating properties. Its seed oil is rich in GLA, which can inhibit the growth of breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, uterine cancer, pancreatic cancer, and other cells, and can improve the condition of glioma patients.
(4) Relieve premenstrual syndrome.
(5) Treat skin diseases. GLA has a relieving effect on eczematoid dermatitis, skin parakeratosis, poor wound healing, etc.
(6) Anti-aging effect. GLA enters the body and is first oxidized to reduce cellular lipid peroxidation damage. Borage extract contains active ingredients that scavenge free radicals and have antioxidant activity.
(7) Regulate immunity.
(8) Protect the liver. GLA can improve alcohol metabolism in the body, promote the decomposition of ethanol, and promote the recovery of liver function in patients with alcohol damage. In addition, GLA can reduce liver-neutral fat and play a preventive and therapeutic role in fatty liver.
(9) Antibacterial disinfection.
(10) Beauty effect.

● DHA exerts profound effects on memory, cognitive faculties, and overall intelligence. It plays a crucial role in different stages of human life.
(1) Infants: The human brain contains the highest amount of DHA, accounting for up to 20% of the total, which is an essential component of brain nerve cells, brain cell membranes, and retinas. Adequate DHA can improve fetal cognition, optimize the composition of the fetal brain, and promote brain and neural development; α-linolenic acid in the blood of pregnant women can synthesize DHA or directly supplement DHA products, which can indirectly supply DHA to the fetus, promote the maturation of fetal brain and retinal nerve cells, and improve the symptoms of hyperactivity disorder in children; supplementation of DHA can increase the DHA content in the membrane of the red blood cells, and enhance the activity of the relevant cerebral cortex. DHA supplementation can increase the content of DHA in the blood red cell membrane, enhance the activity of the related cerebral cortex, and improve children's problem-solving ability and cognitive abilities.
(2) Pregnant women: Studies have shown that supplementation of DHA in pregnant women can reduce the growth of desmoplastic cells, thus reducing the incidence of preterm labor. Reasonable supplementation of DHA during pregnancy and breastfeeding can help reduce the symptoms of depression.
(3) Adults: Some studies have shown that postoperative supplementation with appropriate amounts of DHA can be anti-inflammatory. DHA supplementation can increase the HDL/LDL cholesterol ratio and decrease the total cholesterol/HDL ratio, significantly reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. In addition, adequate intake of DHA can dramatically improve sleep efficiency and quality and inhibit cell and tumor growth by supplementing with the right amount of DHA.
(4) Elderly: As we age, the amount of DHA in the brain will gradually decrease, causing brain function to deteriorate. Alzheimer's disease patients have lower serum and brain DHA levels, which may be due to insufficient DHA intake or oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Some studies have shown that increasing the daily intake of DHA can improve verbal cognitive ability, enhance visuospatial learning ability, and reduce the frequency of situational memory errors.

Overall, DHA Algae Oil predominantly furnishes DHA within Omega-3 fatty acids, catering to brain, cardiac, and ocular health, whereas borage oil chiefly delivers linoleic acid within Omega-6 fatty acids, nurturing cardiovascular health and tempering inflammatory responses, with the added versatility of culinary applications. The selection between these oils hinges upon individual health requisites and preferences.